About me

Hello, I'm Mulumba. I'm a technologist,

Latest Post Cobalt to Consciousness: Insights from my 2024 Reading List by Mulumba Lwatula public

Hello, I'm Mulumba. I'm a technologist, podcaster, and investment professional based in Lusaka, Zambia.

Over the course of my 20-year career, I’ve had the privilege of living and working in Liberia, South Africa, the United State of America, and Zambia for startups and large organizations such as the United Nations to my current role as Deputy Head of Investments (Mining, Manufacturing, and Agribusiness) at the Industrial Development Corporation.

On this site, we explore the beautiful continent of Africa and the ways we can harness the interplay between our natural resource wealth, people, and technology to solve some of our continent's greatest challenges.

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